Different Types of Defence Cases Handled By Criminal Solicitors
Criminal solicitors specialise in the defence of individuals, and they represent anyone accused of criminal activity. The main objective of criminal solicitors is to prove the innocence of their client. In cases where the evidence is strong and their clients are guilty, criminal solicitors resort to negotiating plea settlements for their clients.
Listed below are some of the different types of defence handled by criminal solicitors:
The Insanity Defence
Although the insanity defence basically implies that the client of the criminal solicitor is guilty, it also means that the defendant was completely oblivious to the fact that the nefarious act he enacted was wrong. In these cases, criminal solicitors must strongly present proof of their clients suffering mental illness during the time of the crime.
They must also connect the dots and provide a strong evidence of the ailment playing an atrocious role in their clients' lack of judgement during the time of the crime. Criminal solicitors usually take this route when the evidence against their clients is strong and after consultation with the defendant.
Withdrawal and Abandonment
Popularly known as renunciation, it is a criminal defence available to defendants that criminal solicitors can use to prove their clients' innocence. This defence case requires the criminal solicitors to provide evidence of their clients' abandonment before the occurrence of the crime.
Along with proving their clients' withdrawal from the crime, the criminal solicitors must also present a strong case pertaining to their clients' lack of contribution to the crime. The defence can be even stronger and more effective if there is proof of the defendant notifying the police beforehand.
Coercion and Duress
As the title suggests, it implies that the client of the criminal solicitor was forced into committing a crime because of threats of unlawful nature. The threat need not necessarily be made at the client directly; the coercion defence will hold strong even if a close family member of the client has been threatened.
Other types of Criminal Defence Cases
Self-defence: Criminal solicitors must prove that their clients resorted to using force in order to defend themselves.
Consent: In these cases, criminal solicitors must provide evidence that their clients were given permission by the victims to go ahead with the crime.
Statute of limitations: Criminal solicitors resort to using this criminal defence method when the prosecution don't bring charges against their clients in time. The solicitors then gun towards getting the charges dropped.
Contact a professional such as David Allchin with any questions or concerns you have.